Thursday, October 25, 2012

Quotes with Reflection

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  -- Dr. Suess

This quote from Dr. Suess can relate to many things in peoples lives, and I believe that everyone can relate it to their lives in some way, big or small. The first thing that came to my mind when I read the quote was how I feel everytime my brother or sister comes home for a weekend to visit us.
Since I am the youngest in my family both of my siblings are not living at home. I like to think that I am lonely without them but really I just don’t remember what it was like when they were at home. I am so used to being the only child at home, so it is a little refreshing when they come home to visit. We always play music and have a good time, and when it comes time for them to leave I am really disapointed that they have to go. This quote reminds me to be happy that they came at all instead of being sad that they are leaving.

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

Sometimes I think that people get carried away with planning. Some people spend all day planning for tommorow, and completely miss what happened today.  This quote is quite similar to the quote, “Live everyday like it is your last day on earth.” I feel that in my everyday life I can be caught spending life wasting time with planning my life.
I have been looking at different colleges and taking tests about what to major in since seventh or eighth grade. My parents always tell me to “just make it through my sophomore year in highschool.” I love to look at different colleges and “plan my life,” but I think that I could spend a little more time living in today instead of the future.

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

AP Writing Prompts

Digital Fortress

From a novel or play of literary merit, select an important character who is a villain. Then, in a well-organized essay, analyze the nature of the character's villainy and show how it enhances meaning in the work. Do not merely summarize the plot. 

In Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress, the character Hulohot serves as a most villainous creature. He is portrayed as a thing instead of a person throughout most of the book, and is referred to as “The figure in the wire-rimmed glasses.” In each chapter that involves this assassin, the author never describes Hulohot in detail, it is almost as if the chapter is written in the victim’s eyes, and the only part about the killer that the victim remembers is his wire-rimmed glasses.
In addition to being a cold blooded murderer, Hulohot is hauntingly described at the end of many chapters as a stalker. He follows one of the main characters- David Becker- around the entire book waiting for his chance to kill him. “The passenger in the wire-rim glasses gazed through the plate glass windows of the well lit terminal.” The most haunting part of Hulohot’s character is that he is deaf, leaving no chance for his victims’ to bargain with him.
If Hulohot just killed his victims in an ordinary way, and the same way each time, the book would have no fun thrills. Hulohot kills four people in text, and “The list [goes] on.” He is called a genius by Commander Strathmore, but is finally outsmarted in the end by his “prize,” David Becker. On top of being terrified Hulohot was extremely arrogant. He sent to his handler a message over his minicomputer that stated, “Subject: David Becker—terminated,” before he had even made the kill. I believe that Hulohot’s arrogance is what got him killed, because he flowed David Becker into a tower because he thought that he had him trapped, and it came back to bite him. The way that Dan Brown formed the character of Hulohot, through textual pictures, gave the story and terrifying murders depth and style.

In a literary work, a minor character, often known as a foil, possesses traits that emphasize, by contrast or comparison, the distinctive characteristics and qualities of the main character. For example, the ideas of behavior of the minor character might be used to highlight the weaknesses or strengths of the main character. Choose a novel in which a minor character serves as a foil to a main character. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the relationship between the minor character and the major character illuminates the meaning of the work. 

In Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress the use of minor, foil, characters is used in order to influence the main characters actions. In the novel the deputy director of the NSA, Commander Strathmore, is a minor character who puts pressure on his head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher. It is told that the commander “always had a soft spot for Susan,” which made Susan feel like she owed something to the commander, which ends up getting her into big trouble.
At the end of the novel Commander Strathmore reveals that he had plotted against the government to help himself, and make himself look good. When he begged Susan to join him and not tell anyone, she was forced to make a quick decision. Strathmore betrayed his country and Susan who trusted him.
After killing Greg Hale and making it look like a suicide, Commander Strathmore professed his love to Susan. Susan was in love with the man that Strathmore had sent to Spain to be murdered. While Susan thought that Strathmore was trying to “save the world,” it turned out that he was just plotting against everything that Susan loved just so that she would for some reason like him. Obviously Commander Strathmore didn't know that you can’t win love by killing everybody and everything that a person loves.

This I Believe

                This I Believe...

               When I began to think about what I believed in, I really couldn’t come up with a topic that I could write an essay about. It is easy to list things that I believe in- friendship, God, family, etc.- but none of those things I could write about wihtout making it cheesy. I had been over analyzing the assignment to create an essay with super-deep meaning. The answer as to what to write about had been there all along. Band.
                I, like everyone else, started school band in the sixth grade. We picked our instruments about a month into school. I picked to play the alto saxophone, not knowing that it would affect my life in high school three years later. The reason I originally took band was because my brother and sister both took band, and all of my friends were going to take it. I don’t know what I would have done without it.
                It is sad the number of people that actually join high band. There are those who join because it is something that they really want to do, and there are those who’s parents make them do it. The ones who are forced, always end up liking it by the first football game. My friend, Kyle, played sax with me in middle school band, and his parents forced him to try it in high school for at least one year. Now he loves band and would never miss a marching season.  Our annual eighth grade night is this Friday. It is a football game where the eighth graders from our school district join us in the stands and play with us. This is an attemt to recruit them to join high school band. Unfortunately, of the seventy-two eighth graders coming, we will be lucky to have fifteen or twenty join next year. If we could manage to get all of them to try it for at least one year, none of them would quit, and we would have a giant band.
                If I hadn’t taken band in middle school, I would have come to high school without many of my good friends. One of my friends is a senior in the saxophone section this year, and if I hadn’t chosen to play saxophone in middle school I would have never been as close to him as I am.  Being part of band gives you a certain feeling of accomplishment, one that you can’t necissarily get from anything else. Most people believe that band is social suicide. It happens to be the complete opposite. The band starts practicing three weeks before school starts, and when school started my freshmen year I already new thirty or forty upper classmen, that would talk to me in the hall and hang out with me. With the marching band being one giant family, no one feels left out. Suprisingly, students (at hoggard at least) like the band and don’t make fun of us.
                Band programs in high school help you academically and socially. Without band many high schoolers wouldn’t know as many people. My belief is that everyone should try band in high school, because of its social benefits and the impact that It can have on your high school career.

I believe in being with the marching band, with my church praise band, and with my piano teacher playing   music.
 I believe in working hard in school and in life whether I receive a reward or not.
I believe in Backpacking with my family for four days in the woods, sleeping in tents, and messing around     in the river.

I believe in spending all day on the lake casting a worm into the water waiting for a fish to take the bobber   under.
I believe in being there for your friends and being the person that they can always rely on.
I believe in going on mission trips with my youth group to help less fortunate people in the country.
I believe in doing what I say I am going to do- in keeping promises.
I believe that if you can’t be on time, be early.

I believe that a good education is priceless.

believe that everything happens for a reason.

Literary Essay

All Quiet on the Western Front Essay

What aspects of Paul’s life have been changed by the war and cause him to lose his hope in life itself?
                Before the war Paul took for granted many aspects of his life. But in Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, the sad truth becomes blatantly obvious; war has redefined the pillars of Paul’s life- home, trust, and patriotism- and sends him on a downward spiral to tragic, hopeless death.
            It was ironic that Paul felt more at home at the front, than with his family in his real home. When Paul returned to the front after his leave he was overwhelmed with sadness, but upon return he realized that, “It will soon be alright again back here with Kat and Albert. This is where [he] belonged (201).” He spent his whole life growing up with his family, and still the relationships that he gained at war surpassed any that he developed during peace time. This suggests that when he went through war, and saw his comrades die, he created relationships with people who were going through the same thing that he was going through. On the other side of war- if they come out alive- a soldier isn’t same person that they were before.
            Paul lost trust in war, in Germany, and finally in himself. In the beginning of the book he enlisted because he trusted that war was a great way to serve his country and be honored. Once in war, he realized that everything said back home about war was a lie. When it became obvious to all of the men that Germany was losing the war, they got a visit from the Kaiser. Paul lost hope in Germany when the leader had no answer to how to win the war.  Paul was, “really rather disappointed… He distribute[d] iron crosses and we march[ed] off (202).” The Kaiser didn’t know how to fix their problems, and the men knew that if the leader didn’t know what to do, then they were doomed.
            Paul’s sense of patriotism faded away to nothing by the end of the war. The wrong people were fighting the war. Tjaden wanted to know why he was fighting, because no one had offended him. The Kaiser wasn’t out at the front fighting, and he was the one who wanted the war. Kantorek- the boys’ school master- wanted them all to “join up, comrades (p).” He and all the people back home really wanted all the fighting, but instead of going to fight, they encouraged the younger generation to do it for them. A war caused by men, is left to the boys to settle.
            Paul relied on each of these- home, trust, and patriotism-to help him make it through the war, but they did the complete opposite. He struggled through death and confusion with his support crumbling from underneath him, leaving him stranded without hope, with the only peace found in death.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Book Project


                Susan Opened up the doors to her Washington D.C. apartment just in time to be greeted by David, and their new baby boy, Greg. It had been four years since the incidents in Crypto. Susan had moved on to bigger and better things, she had a family now. Ten days after the explosion in crypto, Susan had received a call from Director Fontaine. The position of deputy director of the NSA was newly open and they needed a young, bright cryptographer to fill in the vacancy and Director Fontaine knew exactly who to call.
                Right before the new academic year, the Becker household received a call from the chancellor of Georgetown University. He was calling to offer David a full professorship and position as chair of the language department. David accepted without hesitation.
                 As for the families of Director Strathmore, Mr. Chartrukian, and Greg Hale, they were all paid a visit by the President of the United States and Director of the NSA to show their sympathy. The families were told that their loved ones had died in an explosion inside of one of the NSA facilities while risking their lives to protect national security.

                Right about the time she sat down at her desk in her office a knock came on the door. It was the newly hired cryptographer Tyler Peterson. “Can I help you, Peterson,” Susan asked.
                “I was just coming in to tell you that TRANLTR 2.0 is up and running and just cracked its first code in less than thirty seconds.”
                “Very good then, back to work”

Favorite Art/Music Video

            John Lennon was an amazing musician and songwriter. Imagine, may be the most famous work outside of the Beatles. I love how the song asks the hypothetical question: what would the world would be like if we just forgot everything and lived every day for each other? The sad and ironic thing is that John Lennon protested for peace, and yet he was murdered by a crazed fan.
            The creator of this video really captured the scenes that Lennon was trying to describe. I feel that after listening to the song, which I have heard many times, with the pictures gave me new insight to what it was really about. My favorite part of the video was at the very end when Lennon sings, “And the world will live as one.” The picture that appears is the earth with people, all of different races, linking arms.


TED talks favorite video

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Persuasive Essay

           A College Education or Not?

            As a high school sophomore, I know that school can be very stressful. I have to balance between extracurricular, activities such as band, orchestra, or drama, and school work. This can make it very challenging to maintain a high GPA. Unfortunately, some people don’t want to go to college because they think it will just be four more years like high school. Both my mom and dad are professors so I know a lot about what goes on at a college or university. I can tell you right now that college can be one of the best experiences of your life, and before you go out into the world it is probably a good idea to be educated beyond secondary school.
            One of the biggest arguments against a college education is not being able to go work when you turn eighteen. Many people believe that this will cause them to fall behind and not be able save up enough money. A college education will let you “skip the line” and start working with better jobs, in better places, with better conditions, and on top of that, the unemployment rates for high school graduates have increased to 8.1% in the last year (“Value of a Degree”). The bottom line is that better jobs come from a better education.
            A huge perk of going to college is learning to be independent. In the real world there isn’t someone serving you and doing things for you, so it is important to learn how to take care of yourself and be responsible for yourself. When you turn eighteen, you are considered an adult. It is good and important to go to an environment away from your parents in order to obtain a level of independence. What is a better way to learn how to be independent than in college away from your parents and with your friends.
            The number one reason that people don’t go to college is because it costs a lot of money. Although college does cost a lot of money, you can take out loans for it. If you invest your time in college you will be hired for higher paying jobs. According to the Huffington Post, college graduates make an 84% higher salary (Harrington). One study shows that in 2011 the average salary of an adult with a four year degree was 54,746 dollars, whereas a high school graduate only made $33,176 annually (Facts about Graduates). A college education pays for itself in the long run.
            Although college isn't for everyone, everyone should at least give it a try. By going to college you learn to become independent, you go into the race for bigger, safer, better jobs, and you make more money on the other side. If you are given the opportunity to go to college, you should take advantage of it. You might even find out that you like it. The college experience is both academic and practical. I believe that it gives you a great opportunity to grow intellectually and give you a chance to grow and mature (Alexander).

Alexander. "Why a College Education." This I Believe. NPR, 18 July 2011. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Facts About the Income of Graduates." Facts About the Income of Graduates. N.p., 2011. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. <>.
Harrington, Rebecca. "College Graduates Earn 84% More Than High School Grads, Study Says." The Huffington Post., 05 Aug. 2011. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. <>.
"Value of a Degree." Value of a Degree. N.p., 2012. Web. 03 Oct. 2012. <>.

Compare/Contrast Essay

Listening to Music vs. Playing Music

            Music- something that everybody has listened to before. Music- something only some people play. Even though music is music, there are extreme differences between listening to it and playing it. As an avid musician I have learned that although both forms of music- played and listened to- bring a person joy, they offer different perspectives in which a person can view the ancient art.
            When I was little my brother bought me a Beatles’ album. I listened to it over and over. I was and still am the kind of person to listen to the same song over and over until I have it memorized.  I love listening to music; it’s something that you can do anytime. When driving to school one can listen to the radio, and in the grocery store music is usually playing, and when you’re watching TV there is usually background music; most of the time you don’t even realize that you are listening to it. This is proof that you don’t have to think very much when listening to music. Some people listen to music while they are trying to fall asleep. Music is a great way to relax and just sit back and enjoy the artist’s hard work.
            I started playing piano when I was four years old. I love walking by the piano in my house and just sitting down to play some music. That is how I do a lot of my practicing. When I play music I am on top of my game, with a sharp brain ready to take in new knowledge. It is easiest to learn to play an instrument at a young age because a child’s brain is more willing to take in new ideas. Playing music is a great way that I exercise my brain. Music takes a lot of practice, and it isn’t as easy as it sounds. After learning a really hard piece of music, I have a sense of completion and accomplishment. Not everyone has the patience to learn a new instrument, so if you can play music you have something that not everyone has.
            Playing and listening to music go hand in hand. And while playing music may relax a person, it is almost impossible to relax while playing it. You have to be on top of your game to play music. You can listen to music anytime anywhere, but to play music you must have an instrument with you. When listening to music you don’t have to think very much, and while playing music you better hope you are thinking if you want to sound good. While playing music gives you that sense of completion and exercises your brain, sometimes you just want to sit back and relax to listen to an artists work.
            Even though listening to music and playing music are very different, they both bring something different to the table. Sometimes one is better than the other, depending on the situation. The ancient art of music has been around for thousands of years for people to enjoy. Music- noise that can be created or listened to.

Who I Am Essay

Who I Am

It's kind of weird being the son of two college professors, the brother of a chemical engineer, and the brother of a soon to be graduate student working on her PhD. You might think that I have a lot of pressure to do well in school, and I did early on, but by the time I got into highschool I realized that who I want to be has nothing to do with who my siblings or my parents are. It's not who they are, it's who I am.
  Music is my life. When I'm not playing piano, saxophone, or guitar, I'm listening to music. I really want to be a high school or college band director. Honestly, I'm a freak. How often do you meet a fifteen year old who knows exactly what they want to do with their lives. Tons of college freshmen don't even know what they want to major in, and I've known since I was six years old. I went to Appalachian State this weekend to visit my sister Lucy. She is in the marching band, and hangs out in the music building often. While my family and friends were tailgating I asked her to take me on a tour of the building. It was awesome. I seriously can't wait to go to college, not that I am wishing my life away.
          Last year was my first year in high school, and I was a little bit scared. My sister is a junior in college this year, and still has never made a B in school. When I came to Hoggard I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't give up, and always shoot for an A. Surprisingly it worked very well for me last year. It was the first time that I had made straight A's since third grade. In middle school I was not a very good student. I wasn't necessarily a terrible student, I just didn't try my hardest. I made B's and C's and a few A's. One time in sixth grade my mom called a parent teacher conference with my science/math teacher because she told me that I couldn't be trusted with scissors. Isn't that hilarious? Anyway, I just had a terrible work ethic because I figured that school didn't really matter. But that was the old me. The new me-high school me- rarely procrastinates. The only time you will catch me procrastinating is if television is involved.
  My family watches television religiously. We form or daily schedules around our favorite shows. If we get started on a new series we use the internet to watch all episodes that have ever been created. Our number one favorite show is NCIS. The show is in it's ninth season, and we have been watching it since the very beginning. We really feel like we know the characters. I know that sounds crazy but if I were to run into one of them on the street I would call them by their characters name. I always wonder if they actually behave like their characters. I doubt it, but that would be so cool. Speaking of television, my sister and I love comedy TV. Last year over her fall break she was working on a video for her political satire class. We spent the weekend writing political satire, and improvising on film. We went all over the place to do different scenes wearing crazy costumes and wigs. I love writing comedy script.
          I talk about my sister a lot, and not so much about my brother. He is twenty-four years old, so we have a big age gap. He went to college when I was nine or ten, so we never really hung out a lot. Now he is a chemical engineer working in Durham on night shift and can't come home that often. But when he does come home, we always sing and play guitar and have a great time. He is the funniest person that I have ever met. It is unfortunate that I live at the beach. It is probably my least favorite place on earth. I love the beauty and the peaceful feeling that you get at the beach, but I absolutely hate sand and salt water. I have lived at the beach all of my life and we 
rarely go as a family. Both of my parents grew up in the piedmont and went to Appalachian State University. I am truly a mountain person. October is the best month in the mountains with cool breezes and wonderful colors of leaves changing. My family goes up to the mountains every chance that we get, because we all love it so much. My dad loves to take us on hiking and backpacking trips. This summer I went on a 100 mile backpacking trip in New Mexico. If I could go one place on earth and just sit there, it would be on the top of a mountain in the Blue Ridge. Even though I am a weird fifteen year old who knows what he wants to do with his life. And although I am a TV crazed,comedy loving, mountain person who would love to just sit on top of a mountain with my guitar for hours, I am who I am. I am Walker Ballard.